Sunday, July 9, 2023

Edward's June 2023 Monthly Mix


June has become special over the years. It’s the month of my firstborn’s birth and it always marks the beginning of a two week break from work. Ah, the time to get things done, right? Well, yes and no. Road trips and home projects galore. The freedom to get all those things done you can never do otherwise because you’re always working. The month invokes its own stress. (They say some stress is healthy!) Road trips and home projects galore. That said, I still found some time to get the more important things done: gaming, new music, reading and movies!  



Car Washing: Don’t laugh, you did read that right. Having a new car sparked an interest in washing my car the right way, not leaving it at the mercy of an automated car wash, a giant toilet type brush that butts up against five hundred other cars a day, or feeding a bevy of quarters into a DIY wash bay. So, I did what any resourceful bloke does these days. I began watching YouTube videos about people who detail their own rides. And I fell into a rabbit hole. It all begins with a $99 Ryobi electric power washer from The Home Depot. And then, brother, let the mods begin! Replacing fittings, hoses, and nozzles, and picking up some candy flavored soap called Mr. Pink from The Chemical Guys, I’ve made washing my vehicles a fun little money saving project. The end result is a car that looks at least as good as my local coin operated wash bays, done right here in my own yard. Micro fiber cloths and drying towels are the finishing touches. I’ll get better at it as I do it.  



World of Warships on PC: I’ve been playing ranked matches in this chocolate crack of a game lately. You delve into a battle with five other guys, and slug it out with six opposing guys with matching ships. I made it up to level 5 and that seems to be about the record. I started a new bout and now I can’t move from level 8. Bloody heck! I have a level 10 Battleship, the Kremlin, which this being a Russian game, I figured I’d have a slight advantage going down the Russian line of ships. So far, that’s not been a distinct advantage. (Hey, I’ll take an edge if I can get one!) The game is fun though, but it’s one of those live service games that keep me from doing any kind of completion of my Steam library. Is this a good thing?

Star Trek Season 7 on Blu-Ray: My stepfather and I are finally into the last season of this venerable TV show which was hailed as the best writing in the history of television at the time of its broadcast. We’ve just begun it, but I can see it as such. I’m a fan of the Blu-Ray medium. (As I am 4K Blu-Ray). And this series gets the ultimate treatment. I often watch a series then unload it on eBay or my local Disc Replay store (that is unless they want to low ball me with a ridiculous price.) But this Star Trek series is so beautiful I think I’ll always have it in my library. Well, that and the memory of watching it with my stepdad which makes the activity of watching it all the more special. This season opens up closing out a cliff hanger involving Data’s less than nice brother Lore (as they do every season starting with season 3 making it an irresistible two parter.)

The Bazaar of Bad Dreams by Stephen King: If asked, I would tell you I’m not a Stephen King fan, but then I’m also a hypocrite. This book will be my 25th book by King. I was going to say tome, but this actually isn’t. It’s a collection of short stories. And it’s mostly stories about people written in a vein similar to a less than wholesome version of what Ray Bradbury would write. I’m not saying that’s necessarily a bad thing by any stretch. Some stories are by far better than others, and this even contains some poetry (of which King himself says he’s a bad poet. I will just say his fiction is better.) I’ve got about a hundred pages left (of 400 plus) and it’s not a bad read, especially if you’re a fan of Stephen King.

Slay the Spire on Nintendo Switch: I’ve said it before. I bought the Switch to have the power of portable gaming, and then they had to go and release the Steam Deck! So, now do I sell my Switch and pick up the Steam Deck? In all honesty, as long as they have games like Slay the Spire on the Switch I think I’ll take a soft pass against the Deck. I have a few games for my Switch, yet when I boot it up, this is the only game I play on it. I’ve talked about it here before, but I keep coming back to it. It’s a collectible card gathering game in which cards depict fight moves, perks, and blocks. Play throughs consist of loot drops that change or improve your cards, preparing you for inevitable boss fights and higher levels. Yes, it’s as addicting as it sounds. I’ve gotten midway to the second level, and it seems the best I can do, but the heartbreaker is the feeling the game always gives you empowering you to think you’re going to beat it if you try just one more time.

Sirius XM Radio: My commute to work is close enough that I’ve always scoffed at the idea of subscribing to a radio service. I mean, I have Amazon Music and my digital audio player with a bevy of hi-res music files. These should be enough, right? Well, when I got my Subaru I was given three months of Sirius XM for free. I didn’t even consider a subscription. And then, like a visit from Mario Puzzo, I truly got an offer I couldn’t refuse to convert the trial into a bona fide subscription. Taking a drive to Texas this month, I got some real use out of it, and I have to say I was not disappointed. You all know commercials are the bane of my existence. I don’t even have radio stations programmed into my car radio simply because I can’t take commercials. So, you can imagine the appeal of a radio with no commercials. The myriad of stations is just that, a bevy, but it does have its limitations. I love ambient music, but there is only one “new agey” type station. That needs to change.

Lost in Space Season 1 on Blu-Ray: As I wrote last month, I started the first season. I got to watch some episodes with my youngest grandson this month in Texas, and I think I converted him into a fan. He didn’t even seem to notice what we watched were in black & white. I can’t wait until he gets exposed to the next season (which was filmed in color. The Robinson’s vibrant uniforms are to this day one of the most dazzling use of color I’ve ever seen in a television series.) I’m on episode 6, the show’s more seriousness being eschewed for some character development. Dr. Smith is transforming from a murderous and nefarious villain into a buffoon, sacrificing his evil for utter greediness.


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