Saturday, June 22, 2013

Edward's June 2013 Mix

Ah, the throes of summer! Why brave the dangerous sunrays, the engulfing showers of lawn sprinklers, and the blinding views of white people with white legs wearing shorts? Just stay in and read or play computer games like I did this month. Well, I did get some good saddle time on the bike, and I would be a liar if I didn't admit at least a little bit of fondness for these wonderful summer days. I guess, in reality balance is where it's at, huh? The ability to get out there away from the computer and the books to get some good old fashioned vitamin D. I tried.

1. Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. on PC
I tried to tackle this game way back in 2009 when it first came out. It's as about an arcadish game as you can get, where the flight stick is eschewed for a simple Xbox 360 controller (and makes complete sense when you are using it.) It's as hokey as stories can get, set in the future you are part of an elite flyboy squadron created to protect the interests of big corporations, a sort of highly mobile security force. You are ordered to assist the US Navy against a large terrorist force, and then when the Navy is down and out final blow pending, your leader goes rogue and orders you to deliver the coup de grace so your squadron has total power. And like all good guys, you turn against your leader and your own squadron. I progressed relatively far in this game, all the way to mission 12 of 19. And then the game ramped up to one of the biggest difficulty escalations I've ever seen in a game. Uggh! I hate investing time and effort into a game and it finally defeating me. Anyway, I'm done with it. Took it off the hard disk. It's going on eBay. I will not be buying H.A.W.X. 2.
2. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne on PC
I've not actually started this game yet, but I will have by the time you read this. I beat the first one years ago, and I really want MP3 on Steam. (The summer sale is just around the corner. Ha!) But in order for me to play the third one, I just won't feel right without having played the second game in the series. Here's the thing, though: MP2 is unplayable in its present state on modern PCs. Yes, I know, it is rather ludicrous that Rockstar can't come out with a patch that lets one of their fairly modern games play on a modern system. But then this is Rockstar. I honestly think they hate PC gamers. I was telling someone the other day it would be hilarious if they didn't release GTA V for PC and the new Saint's Row game outsold GTA V on the consoles. But we both know that's not going to happen. A year from now they'll release GTA V on the PC, and a gazillion fanboys will slip in their own drool to get it onto their PCs as quickly as they possibly can. Oh, by the way, in order to get this game to work on my Windows 7 64 bit system I had to download a NO CD crack. But hey, it worked!
3. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin in paperback
Had someone approached me and asked me to read a book about political intrigue any other time I probably would have made the suggestion they take a long walk off of a short pier. This book, though, the first in the series, has me captivated. I'm taking it slow, maybe too slow. I'm only page 350 or so, but man, it's brilliant. If you call yourself a fan of fantasy and you've not read this, hmmm . . .then I don't know about you. Purists say it's better than LOTR. So far, I have to wonder if there's not some truth to that. I found a family tree depicting the hierarchies in the back of the book as an appendix. It's almost required because this book has more characters in it than the DC and Marvel universe put together. I honestly look forward to going to work so I can spend time with the people in this book.
4. Mass Effect 2 on PC
This is the most fun I've had in a PC game in a while. (Catching up to my friends' ranks in BF3 might run a close second.) This game plays much like the first one, except faster, slimmer, and more cut to the chase. The game feels easier by far than the first one as well. I'm thrilled to be playing this, the second in a trilogy, and look forward to beating it and moving on to ME3. But then, no, I'm almost not wanting this one to end because it's such a good time. Cutting the lights, donning the cans on my head, fingers on the mouse and keyboard, I actually feel like I'm lost in another universe. If you've not played this series, you owe yourself. People hate on EA for good reason, but this game series compels tolerance for the evil empire.
5. Manny's Search by Edward C. Burton on paperback and Kindle
It still feels quite strange to type that, the title of my novel by . . .me. Heh. It's all done, bound, printed, and sold. . . well, selling anyway. It won't make me rich by any means, but like Shakespeare was reputed to have said, he wanted to write so he could be immortal. I've left my scratch on the planet. It really was a labor of love, but now that it's done it's such a relief. I've lifted the sack of rice off my shoulders. But there is no rest for the wicked. I have a second novel I completed years ago, and now I need to get it ready for its journey to Amazon.

6. Knights of the Old Republic on PC
Like I've said before, I didn't get very far with this game back in 2003, despite it's been hailed as one of the best RPGs ever made. I'm trying a different approach this time, however. I'm actually playing a Sith character. It goes against my very grain to play an evil character, but so far it's working out okay. I'm a consular, and I live for the day when I level up to be able to chokehold enemies and toss them across the room like rag dolls. I have a way to go. I'm still a mere level 6, but I'm turning into a badass with my critical strike ability with swords. Ah, just wait until I trade it in for a light saber, bwaahaaahaa! I guess I passed my baptism as a bad guy when I had to chase down some ancient tomes that would fulfill the hopes and dreams of a prophet set on delivering his people from oppression in the sewers and undercity of an area controlled by Sith. I rounded up all of the books and sold them to a black market profiteer for a hundred credits. You should have heard the speech the prophet gave me explaining how I made the world of he and his people crumble like a house of cards. Yes, I have to admit, I did feel bad. For about two seconds.
7. Computer Games Magazine 2003
I always feel nostalgic reading through these old magazines, and yes, a little proud, too. I feel honored to be a part of the PC gaming world, and even moreso because I got my start way back in 1989 and have played consistently since. Through the evolution of game engines, graphic improvements, game innovations, radical hardware changes and the ever ringing death toll, "PC as a gaming platform is dying!" Hmph! Tell me something new. What's really strange is how much modern consoles are becoming more and more like the PC. Shoot, all they need now is a mouse and keyboard interface and the total transformation will be complete. But ten years ago, 2003, let's see. I had a Pentium 4 2.4 gHz rig powered by a Geforce 4200. Doom3, FarCry, and Railroad Tycoon 3 loomed on the horizon. It was an exciting time to be a gamer.
8. Boards of Canada: Trans Canada Highway on CD
I can never get enough of this duo, two brothers who migrated from Scotland to Canada and took old music from 1970's TV documentaries and resampled it with synthesizers and serious drum and bass. This music always takes me back to Saturday morning cartoons, the ponds and woods of my grandparents' farm in Indiana, and the splendor of being a kid in the '70's. These two guys simply nailed that bittersweet nostalgia for me quite unlike anything else has. Give them a listen on Youtube. Look up "Heard from Telegraph Lines" and try not to think about Kindergarten and milk and cookies, and sunshine streaming in broken sunbeams through tree branches.

9. Magic: The Gathering-Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 on PC
I've been a fan of Magic: The Gathering since 1995 when I was introduced to it. And getting to play this game on the pc is like getting to play against a 24/7 buddy, except you can play in your pajamas! The only thing I don't like about the game is not being able to build decks from scratch, but this is a fun series, and if you can't find people to play with this serves as a great standby. Beating an opponent is no small feat, and always feels like an accomplishment.